Le projet consiste en trois tâches :
Modélisation des algorithmes. The theory of Abstract State Machines can be extended. Subjects related to universality, relation with the Moschovakis model of algorithms and representation of other models of computation, are of a great interest to extend the theory of ASM.
Complétude des modèles de calcul. Is the ASM model the only operationally complete model? Other computational models (sequential and parallel) and programming languages can also allow a stepwise emulation of any algorithm. Assuming Gurevich sequential and parallel thesis, this reduces to deciding whether such computational models or programming language allow stepwise emulation of any ASM. This will provide a theoretical foundation for algorithmically-complete programming languages or models of computation.
Aspects physiques des algorithmes classiques et quantiques. To what extent can the sequential thesis be backed on physical arguments? On the one hand, arguments ˆ la Gandy show that a small set of well-established postulates on physical ground is enough to justify the Church-Turing thesis. Hence it seems that a refined version of the argument may serve to justify the thesis of Gurevich. On the other hand, quantum computing introduces algorithms that are radically new.
Le projet s’étalera sur la période 2012–2016.
Le projet sur le site de l’ANR.
Séminaire TARMAC
Séminaire régulier, LACL.
À venir, séminaire délocalisé: Juin, Octobre, Décembre 2015.
Rencontre TARMAC - Spatial Computing
Mercredi 15 Avril – 10h30–18h30, LIAFA Salle Marcel-Paul Schützenberger.
Participants prévus : Jean-Louis Giavitto, Frédéric Gruau, Luidnel Maignan, Antoine Spicher, Jean-Baptiste Yunès
Journées TARMAC
Vendredi 23 Janvier 2015 – 9h30–17h00, INRIA, Place d’Italie.
Participants : Patrick Cégielski, Julien Cervelle, Gilles Dowek, Serge Grigorieff, Irène Guessarian, Luidnel Maignan, Yoann Marquer, Pascal Vanier, Pierre Valarcher, Jean-Baptiste Yunès
Les membres du projet sont:
- Pablo Arrighi (LIF)
- Alexis Bès (LACL)
- Patrick Cégielski (LACL)
- Julien Cervelle (LACL)
- Gilles Dowek (INRIA)
- Serge Grigorieff (IRIF)
- Irène Guessarian (IRIF)
- Luidnel Maignan (LACL)
- Yoann Marquer (LACL)
- Pierre Valarcher (LACL)
- Pascal Vanier (LACL)
- Jean-Baptiste Yunès (IRIF)

IRIF: Jean-Baptiste.Yunes@univ-paris-diderot.fr
LACL: Pierre.Valarcher@u-pec.fr
INRIA: Gilles.Dowek@inria.fr
LIF: Pablo.Arrighi@univ-amu.fr