BFCA 2005 conference
Purchase order (in french)

BFCA'05 proceedings are available Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre.

Organizing comitee
Selection comitee

Second International Workshop on Boolean Functions : Cryptography and Applications

March 13-15, 2006

Held by the LIFAR, University of Rouen, Mont Saint-Aignan, France and sponsored by the LIAFA and the LACL.

Topics (Not exhaustive)

  • Algebraic geometry over F2
  • Random Generation
  • Boolean Complexity
  • BDD and cryptography
  • Stream Cipher

Important Dates

  • Submission: January 9th 2006
  • Notification: February 20th 2006

Scope of the Conference

The workshop on Boolean functions : Cryptography and applications provides a forum for researchers with interests within all aspects of boolean function theory and applications to cryptography. Papers on all aspects cryptography and boolean functions are welcomed, be they theoretical, implementation oriented or experiment reports.

Submission Guidelines

Papers should be submitted electronically by January 9th 2006 via e-mail (at BFCA06 at Acceptable formats are PostScript or PDF [a special latex styles and example (latex and pdf) ] viewable by gv. Submissions should not exceed 16 pages (including bibliography and appendices). They must be written in English or in French, must have a cover page with an abstract of up to 200 words, keywords, postal and electronic mailing addresses, and phone and fax numbers of the corresponding author.


Université de Rouen

LIAFA laboratory

LIFAR laboratory

LACL laboratory