Spend extra time on hobby.  Get plenty of rolling papers.
narbel's tente
Speaking of Godzilla and other things that convey horror:

	With a purposeful grimace and a Mongo-like flair
	He throws the spinning disk drives in the air!
	And he picks up a Vax and he throws it back down
	As he wades through the lab making terrible sounds!
	Helpless users with projects due
	Scream "My God!" as he stomps on the tape drives, too!

	Oh, no!  He says Unix runs too slow!  Go, go, DECzilla!
	Oh, yes!  He's gonna bring up VMS!  Go, go, DECzilla!"

* VMS is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
* DECzilla is a trademark of Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of Death, Inc.
		-- Curtis Jackson