EAUMP – Kenya/Nairobi Summer School 2022

To get general informations about the school please visit the main page of the school.

Please read all the instructions with a lot of care.

Computer setup instructions

If you plan to attend Nairobi EAUMP Computer Science School, you need to pre-install software on your own. Remind that participants are highly encouraged to bring their own laptop at the school.
Python programming language will be used during courses, so it is strongly advised to install the latest version of Python before your arrival in Nairobi. Here are some links given to help you install a Python environment onto your computer.

Please note that the following downloads may require a lot of space on your machine and a lot of time with a low-bandwidth internet access.

Remind that Basic Python is mandatory, while IDE and Jupyter are optionals, Gnuplot is highly recommended.

1. Basic Python

A Python installation is required for the school. Environments for many operating systems flavours are available (Linux, Windows, Mac OS). Please visit the Python downloads page and follow the instructions. Please take care not to use any Python version below 3, the latest available version for common operating systems is 3.10.4, a must have.

If you are using Mac OS, you should be aware that the Python installed by default with your Mac is not of the right version, so please install a good one.

2. IDE

For a convenient use of Python, you may also use a smart code editor (IDE — Integrated Development Environment). It is highly recommended to install one. There is a lot of them, but PyCharm and Visual Studio Code are good ones. Of course, if you have a simple code editor (emacs, vim, etc) not any text/word enhanced editor like Word or such, that will be sufficient to have a working environment, and you may not install any IDE.


Please visit Pycharm download page and follow the instructions

Visual Studio Code

Please visit Visual Studio Code page and follow the instructions.

3. Notebook

For a good experience in writing tutorials with Python code inside, you may also install some Jupyter’s softwares : Jupyter-lab and Jupyter-notebook. Please visit Jupyter install page and follow instructions. Note that instructions given such as pip install... and alike commands must be run under a terminal or system console (if you use a simple basic installation) or under the console of your chosen IDE. If you don’t succeed into this, don’t be afraid, you will be able to program in Python during the school.

4. Gnuplot

While not strictly necessary, that could be a good idea to install the gnuplot tool that we will use to make some drawings from data sets.

Please visit Gnuplot’s home page.